Penetration Testing & Vulnerability Assessement

Short Description

Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) are two types of vulnerability testing. ... Penetration tests find exploitable flaws and measure the severity of each. A penetration test is meant to show how damaging a flaw could be in a real attack rather than find every flaw in a system.

Full Description

Types of Vulnerability Scanners


Vulnerability scanners have their ways of doing jobs. We can classify the vulnerability scanners into four types based on how they operate.

Cloud-Based Vulnerability Scanners

Used to find vulnerabilities within cloud-based systems such as web applications, WordPress, and Joomla.

Host-Based Vulnerability Scanners

Used to find vulnerabilities on a single host or system such as an individual computer or a network device like a switch or core-router.

Network-Based Vulnerability Scanners

Used to find vulnerabilities in an internal network by scanning for open ports. Services running on open ports determined whether vulnerabilities exist or not with the help of the tool.

Database-Based Vulnerability Scanners

Used to find vulnerabilities in database management systems. Databases are the backbone of any system storing sensitive information. Vulnerability scanning is performed on database systems to prevent attacks like SQL Injection.


Methodology (Risk Assessment and Remediation are out of scope and can be requested as professional services)

Advantages of Scanning for Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability scanning keeps systems secure from external threats. Other benefits include:

·       Affordable – Many vulnerability scanners are available free of charge.

·       Quick – Assessment takes a few hours to complete.

·       Automate – can use automated functions available in the vulnerability tools to perform scans regularly without manual involvement.

·       Performance – vulnerability scanners perform almost all the well-known vulnerability scan.

·       Cost/Benefit – reduce cost and increase benefits by optimizing security threats.